Fire Escape Ladders
According to the National Fire Protection Association, someone dies in a house fire about every three hours.
Whether you are in the kitchen cooking or in the bedroom sleeping, a small flame can ignite and get completely out of control in less than 30 seconds. While it's important to have smoke detectors in your home, including all occupied bedrooms, it's equally important to have a proper escape plan. Because many fires take the path of the stairs, a home (or office) with a single staircase can be deadly.
For Home
If your house has two floors, every family member needs to be able to escape from the second floor rooms in the event of a fire. To that end, you should have a
fire escape ladder in every occupied room on the second level, recommends The National Fire Protection Association. Fire escape ladders fold up small for easy storage under a bed, near a window (preferred), or in a bedroom closet.
Emergency fire escape ladders are easy to deploy, making them an essential lifesaving device for elderly parents living with you or your children. Simply unfold the escape ladder, hook it over your window sill, and watch it cascade down the side of your home. Today's residential (and office) escape ladders are also lightweight -with some weighing in at less than six pounds, which again makes them ideal for young children or the elderly.
For Office
When most of us think of portable fire escape ladders, we think about our homes -- with not much thought being put into escaping from our office in the event of a office building fire. But fire escape ladders are not only for two story homes. More and more offices with two or more floors are choosing to equip their offices with escape ladders. Even if the fire exit is near your office, there may be a fire on a below floor that makes it dangerous to open the fire exit door.
Fire escape ladders for offices are available in a wide range of sizes, such as 13 feet to 53 feet long. For instance, fire escape emergency ladders can be purchased for multi-level office buildings -- from two to six stories high. Rather than waiting for the fire department to arrive, with an office fire escape ladder you can be proactive to get yourself to safety before smoke or fire overwhelms you.
Fire escape ladders are built with the stress of a fire hazard in mind. The no assembly deployment, anti-slip metal rungs, and tangle-free design enable you to quickly and easily get to safety even during the most stressful situations. While we hope you never have to use a fire escape emergency ladder in your office, having one provides you and your employees with safety, security, and peace of mind.